Neo Fobia Italic czcionka

Licencja: Płatny
Języki: łacina
Przykład czcionki Neo Fobia Italic

Informacje o czcionce

Zebraliśmy wszystkie najważniejsze informacje o czcionce Neo Fobia Italic. Poniżej znajduje się tabela dotycząca wersji pliku czcionki, licencji, praw autorskich, projektanta i nazwy dostawcy. Informacje są pobierane z pliku czcionki "TTF".

Nazwa rodziny czcionki Neo Fobia
Nazwa czcionki NeoFobia-Italic
Nazwa stylu Italic
Identyfikator czcionki 1.000;DFHA;NeoFobia-Italic;2019;TR4-
Wersja czcionki Version 1.619
Znak towarowy Neo Fobia Italic is a trademark of deFharo.
Projektant Fernando Haro
Projektant link
Link do sprzedawcy (dostawcy)
Producent deFharo
Link do licencji
Licencja This agreement applies to commercial license purchased on this website. Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before using this font. Use, transfer, distribution or installation of this font indicates acceptance of this agreement. For questions, contact Fernando Haro: The commercial license fonts developed by Fernando Haro is exclusively for a single user and can use unlimited design work in any commercial area, also install on their personal computers up to two (2). The fee is unique and the commercial license does not expire. In any case, the fonts can be used for more than a company with a single license. In case you need a license to a computer network contact the author. You may not sell, rent, lease, transfer, modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, distribute or create commercial work with these fonts. All components that accompany the download file owned by Fernando Haro and can not be disassembled, modified, used, distributed or copied in any way. This Agreement constitutes the complete statement of the agreement between the parties on the matter, and merges and supersedes all other or prior understandings, purchase orders, agreements and arrangements. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Spain. Fernando Haro owns the copyright of the sources, all derivatives, the name and accompanying materials are exclusive property of Fernando Haro. Any liability of Fernando Haro will be limited exclusively to refund of the purchase price. In any case, I am liable for any incidental, consequential, punitive or other damages that is related to the use of fonts.
prawa autorskie Copyright (c) 2019 by deFharo. All rights reserved.
Opis Neo Fobia is a modern sans serif typography of geometric construction and techno look with seven styles. The proportions of the letters, the metrics and the kerning are very careful to obtain maximum readability in headlines as in paragraphs.
  • 09.04.2022
  • 84
  • 0

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