Annlie Extra Bold czcionka

Licencja: Płatny
Języki: łacina
Kategorie: drukowany, gazet, szeryf
Przykład czcionki Annlie Extra Bold

Informacje o czcionce

Zebraliśmy wszystkie najważniejsze informacje o czcionce Annlie Extra Bold. Poniżej znajduje się tabela dotycząca wersji pliku czcionki, licencji, praw autorskich, projektanta i nazwy dostawcy. Informacje są pobierane z pliku czcionki "TTF".

Nazwa rodziny czcionki Annlie
Nazwa czcionki Annlie-ExtraBold
Nazwa stylu Regular
Identyfikator czcionki 1.000;ITC ;Annlie-ExtraBold;2016;TR4-
Wersja czcionki Version 1.00
Znak towarowy Annlie is a trademark of Monotype ITC Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
Projektant Fred Lambert
Projektant link
Link do sprzedawcy (dostawcy)
Producent Monotype ITC Inc.
Link do licencji
Licencja This font software is the property of Monotype Imaging Inc., or one of its affiliated entities (collectively, Monotype) and its use by you is covered under the terms of a license agreement. You have obtained this font software either directly from Monotype or together with software distributed by one of the licensees of Monotype. This software is a valuable asset of Monotype. Unless you have entered into a specific license agreement granting you additional rights, your use of this software is limited by the terms of the actual license agreement you have entered into with Monotype. You may not copy or distribute this software. If you have any questions concerning your rights you should review the license agreement you received with the software. You can learn more about Monotype here:
prawa autorskie Copyright © 2016 Monotype ITC Inc. All rights reserved.
Opis Annlie Extra Bold and Annlie Extra Bold Italic are two display faces designed by Fred Lambert in 1966 for the Annlie type family. These two samples from the Annlie family are both fat faces. Fat faces were offshoots of the modern, or Didone, typefaces that were de rigueur during the early 1800s. These fat faces were among the first typefaces to be used solely for advertising purposes. Naturally, they were always used in larger point sizes, in display functions. Annlie could be called an optimization of these old advertising typefaces. With high x-heights, ultra contrast between thick and thin strokes, and perfectly engineered drawing techniques, Annlie is a highly crafted typeface. Give it a spin in your next advertising campaign! Annlie's fine thin strokes are very graceful in their appearance, and lend a strong, yet soft, feminine feeling to anything they touch.
  • 08.12.2022
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